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Xerox has been in South Africa since 1964 and has a proud tradition of pioneering research and continues to be in the forefront of innovation. Chester Carlson’s invention of xerography more than 70 years ago was an extraordinary milestone in the development of the modern information age, as now individuals could much more easily share and access information.

Xerox has a rich history of innovation. As the inventors of Ethernet over 30 years ago, we helped build the foundation for today’s Internet. In fact, not known to many, the Ethernet’s first commercialization was as a communication bus in our production publishing systems in the early 1990s.

1964 -2020


Xerox MEA MPS Excellence award won by Altron Document Solutions.


Xerox MEA Partner of the Year Award MPS Excellence Award Production Excellence Award


Altron Document Solutions wins Xerox Office Systems Group (OSG) MEA award at Xerox partner conference. Altron Document Solutions awarded the Equitrac Reseller of the Year Award.


Altron Document Solutions awarded the Altron Environmental Award. Altron Document Solutions receives Managed Print Services (MPS) Partner of the Year Award Altron Document Solutions receives XPPS X Factor Award for two consecutive quarters.


Altron Document Solutions awarded Customer Service Excellence award at Xerox partner conference. Altron Document Solutions awarded Managed Print Services (MPS) Partner of the year award. Altron Documents Solutions awarded Africa and Mediterranean Partner of the year award. Altron Document Solutions awarded the overall Xerox Middle East & Africa Partner of


Altron Document Solutions Xerox Authorised Distributor celebrates fifty years of innovation in South Africa.


Developing Markets – Star Performer ConnectKey Unit Activity. Altron Document Solutions received the Xerox Award for the best performance across all the ConnectKey platforms for the entire Developing Markets Operations region.


Altron Document Solutions wins the Xerox Middle East & Africa Partner of the Year Award for 2010. This prestigious award is contested by Xerox distributors in 76 countries within the Xerox MEA regions’ listed corporation in the US. In addition, Xerox has been named as one of the most diverse


Xerox distribution rights increased to 26 African countries.


Altron Document Solutions is announced as Partner of the Year and wins the “Productivity Through Partnerships” award at the XEROX Middle-East and Africa Operations Conference held in Dubai. Altron Document Solutions wins the award for the Best Company within Bytes in 2009. With R1.956 billion of revenue and operating profit


Altron Document Solutions acquires Nor Paper.


The Altron Group sells 27% of its Altron South African operations to Kagiso in a BEE deal. The Altron Group purchases CS Holdings as well as 50% of Xerox SA from Xerox International to move to 100% ownership and re-brands Xerox SA as Altron Document Solutions. The Xerox exclusive distribution


Altron Document Solutions becomes 100% owned after acquisition of Xerox Limited’s 50% plus 1 share.


Xerox SA secures the exclusive Sub-Saharan distributorship for Xerox products.


Xerox commences operations in South Africa as Rank Xerox.

1964 -2020


Xerox MEA MPS Excellence award won by Altron Document Solutions.


Xerox MEA Partner of the Year Award MPS Excellence Award Production Excellence Award


Altron Document Solutions wins Xerox Office Systems Group (OSG) MEA award at Xerox partner conference. Altron Document Solutions awarded the Equitrac Reseller of the Year Award.


Altron Document Solutions awarded the Altron Environmental Award. Altron Document Solutions receives Managed Print Services (MPS) Partner of the Year Award Altron Document Solutions receives XPPS X Factor Award for two consecutive quarters.


Altron Document Solutions awarded Customer Service Excellence award at Xerox partner conference. Altron Document Solutions awarded Managed Print Services (MPS) Partner of the year award. Altron Documents Solutions awarded Africa and Mediterranean Partner of the year award. Altron Document Solutions awarded the overall Xerox Middle East & Africa Partner of


Altron Document Solutions Xerox Authorised Distributor celebrates fifty years of innovation in South Africa.


Developing Markets – Star Performer ConnectKey Unit Activity. Altron Document Solutions received the Xerox Award for the best performance across all the ConnectKey platforms for the entire Developing Markets Operations region.


Altron Document Solutions wins the Xerox Middle East & Africa Partner of the Year Award for 2010. This prestigious award is contested by Xerox distributors in 76 countries within the Xerox MEA regions’ listed corporation in the US. In addition, Xerox has been named as one of the most diverse


Xerox distribution rights increased to 26 African countries.


Altron Document Solutions is announced as Partner of the Year and wins the “Productivity Through Partnerships” award at the XEROX Middle-East and Africa Operations Conference held in Dubai. Altron Document Solutions wins the award for the Best Company within Bytes in 2009. With R1.956 billion of revenue and operating profit


Altron Document Solutions acquires Nor Paper.


The Altron Group sells 27% of its Altron South African operations to Kagiso in a BEE deal. The Altron Group purchases CS Holdings as well as 50% of Xerox SA from Xerox International to move to 100% ownership and re-brands Xerox SA as Altron Document Solutions. The Xerox exclusive distribution


Altron Document Solutions becomes 100% owned after acquisition of Xerox Limited’s 50% plus 1 share.


Xerox SA secures the exclusive Sub-Saharan distributorship for Xerox products.


Xerox commences operations in South Africa as Rank Xerox.

Our History

Read how it all began.